Mount Isa News November 2022 – Local News
Latest Mount Isa News & Events for November
Advisor Appointed to Council
A governance advisor has been appointed to work with Mount Isa City Council to provide advice on governance structures in place at Council.
Experienced Local Government advisor Hayden Wright will take on the role for an initial period of three months, beginning on Tuesday 11 October 2022, with the possibility of an extension.
Mr. Wright’s appointment was made by the Director-General of the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning.
The advisor role will primarily focus on capacity building and mentoring, with a focus on a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities, ensuring effective working relationships between the Councillors, and adherence to transparent and ethical decision-making processes. Council sees this as an opportunity to improve the relationship between Councillors.
Council is pleased to work with an experienced Local Government advisor such as Mr. Wright and believes his advice can only lead to best practices in Local Government being implemented at Mount Isa City Council.
Council will ensure Mr. Wright is provided with all the necessary information and resources required to provide strategic advice to Council, Mayor, and Councillors. The appointment of Mr. Wright will allow Council to understand what is working well in Council and where there is room for improvement.
Council is undertaking preliminary meetings with Mr. Wright, to provide him with an overview of some of the challenges that have been encountered.
Mayor Danielle Slade said: “I welcome the appointment of Mr. Wright and thank Department of Local Government DirectorGeneral Mike Kaiser and the Department for their support in enabling Mount Isa City Council to receive a high level of governance guidance.”
Be Aware of Asbestos Risk
November is National Asbestos Awareness Month and Mount Isa City Council is urging homeowners, renovators and tradespeople to respect asbestos because it’s not worth the risk.
During National Asbestos Awareness Month, Council aims to increase essential community awareness of the health risks relating to asbestos when renovating, repairing or maintaining properties, particularly as the tradespeople shortage and inflation bite hard.
Concerns are growing that property owners are taking unnecessary risks with asbestos and putting their health at risk while doing DIY work – including renovations, repairs or demolition – around properties.
With more than 4000 Australians dying every year from preventable asbestos related diseases, during Asbestos Awareness Month, Council aims to reduce the incidences of avoidable asbestos exposure to prevent asbestos-related diseases to help save lives, Mayor Danielle Slade said.
As long as asbestos-containing materials remain in one-third of Australian homes and on regional properties, the significance of this campaign is urging property owners doing DIY repairs, demolition or renovation to heed the warnings and respect the serious dangers of asbestos, which cannot be overstated.
Asbestos was used extensively in the manufacture of more than 3000 building and decorator products that can still be found in brick, fibro, weatherboard, clad homes, apartments or sheds built or renovated before 1990.
If undisturbed, well maintained and in a stable, sealed condition, these products are considered unlikely to pose health risks.
However, if disturbed during maintenance, renovation, demolition or if damaged as a result of extreme weather events, invisible fibres are released that can be inhaled. This can lead to asbestos related diseases including malignant mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis and benign pleural disease.
Clare Collins, Chair of the Asbestos Education Committee said if you need to remove asbestos, only use licensed asbestos removalists.
Because there is no known safe level of exposure to asbestos fibres, without knowing where asbestos might lurk in and around properties or knowing how to manage it safely, people could be risking their health and the health of families and bystanders if they fail to respect asbestos and disturb these hazardous materials,” Ms Collins said.
The rule is, if your home was built or renovated prior to 1990 and you suspect it contains asbestos, before taking up tools, be sure to engage a licensed asbestos assessor or occupational hygienist to inspect your property. Find out more at
Mount Isa News by Deputy Mayor Phil Barwick
It’s again a very busy time at Council and hard to believe we’re quickly approaching the end of 2022.
There’s lots of news from the Council meeting this week. Council has appointed Dale Dickson to an interim role to lead the Council administration as we farewell David Keenan, who has now moved to another southern council.
Dale is a very experienced local government CEO who will be coming to Mount Isa from the Gold Coast to fill the role while Council recruits permanently for a replacement. We look forward to working with Dale as Council strives to improve the community services and facilities and ensure Mount Isa continues to progress.
Council recently voted to have two charging stations installed for electric vehicles on the Mullan Street side of Outback at Isa. This will greatly assist locals and travelling visitors with EVs as we change to new technologies. Watch for this new addition to the city as we become part of the Queensland Government’s Electric Superhighway.
The groundworks continue at the Centennial Place construction in Miles Street, and we look forward to opening this new community space during the 100 Years celebrations next year.
In more exciting news, Council has also approved a significant piece of artwork to recognise the city’s founder – John Campbell Miles – on the site, so we look forward to adding this piece to the city’s public art.
Speaking about arts, the latest round of the Council’s Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) program is now open for applications. If you, your group or your organisation has an art or cultural project in mind that could use a funding boost to get it off the ground, I strongly encourage you to apply for a RADF grant, which can cover up to 65% of a project’s total cost.
You can call Council’s RADF Liaison Officer on 4747 3200 to find out more, or visit
The recent upgrade of the Skate Park is now seeing our young people relishing in the new development as we add the finishing touches. It is now arguably one of the city’s most popular and exciting youth facilities.
Latest News by Councillor Kim Coghlan
As we approach the end of the year, it’s a time to thank many people for making Mount Isa the beautiful community it is. Schools finish up and we say goodbye to some teachers and hello in the New Year to others.
Our education facilities here in Mount Isa are filled with some of the best teachers in the state. The Mount Isa Australia Day awards are in January 2023 and this is the time now to nominate people in the community who go above and beyond with their service.
I would urge every community organisation to nominate someone they feel would be worthy. We know as a Council how hard our sporting and community groups work to provide activities and competitions each and every year.
Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Backyard Improvement Program which is run by the Lead Alliance. Everyone that entered did an amazing job in turning their yards into an outback oasis that is functional for both children and adults to enjoy a safe outdoor space.
A big thank you must go to Mel Goddard of the Lead Alliance who does an amazing job week in, and week out spreading the message about healthy living to all our young ones.
As a Council, we have achieved many good things this year, but our best is yet to come with the completion of the Family Fun Park in mid December.
I can’t wait to see families with young ones being able to utilise the facilities under safer and more sun-friendly infrastructure. It’s another space in Mount Isa for families to enjoy a great lifestyle.
Today is Remembrance Day, a time to reflect on the sacrifices our Diggers in World War I made to ensure that this great nation was kept safe. It’s also a time to reflect and give thanks to those in the Defence Force who work tirelessly to serve our country to keep us safe.
Birthday celebrations for Mount Isa’s 100 Years in 2023 are well underway and I for one cannot wait for our first huge event on February 23.
Mount Isa November Events
Jemena Northern Outback Business Awards
Date: Saturday 5 November 2022
Time: 6.30 pm
Where: Entertainment Centre, Buchanan Park
Remembrance Day Service
Date: Friday 11 November 2022
Time: 10.30 am
Where: Front lawns, Mount Isa Civic Centre
Rocks Roc
November Ordinary Meeting of Council
Date: Wednesday 16 November 2022
Time: 9am
Where: Council Chambers, 23 West Street
Cuppa With the Councillors
Date: Friday 25 November 2022
Time: 10am
Where: Downstairs, Mount Isa City Library
Latest Information
• Council was represented at the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland’s recent Annual Conference in Brisbane, where the Gallipoli Park Pump Track and Recreation Development was nominated for a 2022 Excellence Award, in the Projects $1 million to $2 million category. Council is proud to have been a top 5 finalist in this category.
• AgForce is holding its Annual General Meeting at the Mount Isa Civic Centre on Tuesday, November 15. The AGM will be followed by an industry forum and dinner at the Mount Isa Race Club later that day.
Forum topics will include foot-and-mouth disease/lumpy skin disease prevention and preparation for Northern Australia; carbon in northern landscapes; carbon markets and carbon contracts; plus AgForce’s AgCarE program. Contact Melissa Kimlin at kimlinm@ or 0447 977 134 to find out more.
• If at any time your wheelie bin is not emptied as scheduled, please contact Council on 4747 3200 (24 hours).
• The free Camooweal Community Christmas Picnic will be held on Tuesday, December 6, from 10.30am1pm at Ellen Finlay Park. The event will feature a Story Time, kids’ activities, a free barbecue, a water slide, face painting, and a visit from Santa. This will be a family-friendly Christmas picnic for Camooweal to come together and celebrate the year.
• At the Ordinary Meeting on October 26, Council adopted a new policy for Camooweal and Mount Isa cemeteries. As part of this policy, a new Local Law will soon be introduced that will restrict what sort of items can be left at grave sites. Council will soon be accepting written submissions from the public to get community feedback about this new Local Law.
Latest Updates
New Manager
Outback at Isa, the North West region’s premier tourist facility, has welcomed new manager Martin Turner, who commenced in the position in mid-October.
Mr. Turner has been working in the tourism industry in Chile for the past 15 years and has extensive experience in working with people from all international backgrounds.
Deputy Mayor Phil Barwick, who is also the Chair of the Outback at Isa Management Board, welcomed Mr. Turner this week after a recent and competitive recruitment process.
Martin is coming into the role at a very good time to prepare for the 2023 tourist season, which all indications show will be a bumper year for Mount Isa and the North West, Cr Barwick said.
Martin has a wealth of experience in the tourism industry and has spent quite a number of years operating successful tourism businesses in Chile, where he was working predominantly with international tourists.
Mr. Turner said he is really looking forward to picking up on the good work of previous managers and driving Outback at Isa to a new level of attractiveness in the tourism market.
I’m very pleased to see the amount of tourism product that Outback at Isa has, with the fabulous Riversleigh Fossil Discovery Centre and the Hard Times Mine, the Rodeo Hall of Fame, the Art Gallery and the lovely Outback Park and Gardens, Mr. Turner said.
It’s also wonderful to see the great energy and interest provided by Mount Isa City Council on behalf of the residents. It is a very welcoming community.
I’m very eager to polish this up some more and add improved visitor experiences to the facility, to improve the tourist traffic through the centre and for the city economy generally.
Council is proceeding with concept planning for the centre under an Outback at Isa Masterplan that was finalised in 2021. Cr Barwick said that there are some very exciting works to be done in the near future if funding can be secured, and tourists and residents alike will be very pleased with the redevelopment of the centre going forward.
LGAQ Conference
As part of the Local Government Association of Queensland’s Annual Conference in Cairns in mid-October, Mayor Danielle Slade was part of a panel that spoke about the benefits of Rural University Centres (RUC) and how they allow regional, rural and remote communities to grow and retain their own local talent.
The panel included Assistant Minister for Education and Assistant Minister for Regional Development Senator the Hon. Anthony Chisholm, Country University Centres (CUC) founder Duncan Taylor, Cook Shire Council Mayor Peter Scott, Balonne Shire Council Mayor Samantha O’Toole, and Maranoa Regional Council Councillor and CUC Chair Cameron O’Neil.
RUCs provide physical, campus-like spaces and support for students who are studying university or VET courses online at any Australian institution.
By giving students access to infrastructures such as study spaces with high-speed internet access and video conferencing, administrative guidance, academic support services and pastoral care, they provide an alternative to moving away for study and enhance the experience of students studying within their own community.
Interim Ceo
Mount Isa City Council has appointed Dale Dickson – the former Chief Executive Officer of the Gold Coast City Council – as its Interim CEO. Council made the decision at its Ordinary Meeting on October 26, following the resignation of CEO David Keenan, whose last day at Council was October 20.
Mr. Dickson will begin in his new role on November 3, for an initial three-month period, with a possible extension of a further three months. During this period, Council will undertake the recruitment process to seek a permanent Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. Dickson has a strong Local Government background, having been the CEO of Gold Coast City Council for 18 years and, prior to that, the CEO of Whitsunday Regional Council. He also spent time in senior roles at the former Cooloola and Gympie Shire Councils.
Helping Hand
Recently, Council’s Community Development Officer Petra Osinski and Executive Services trainee Jayde Clark rolled up their sleeves and helped out at the Mount Isa Meals of Wheels, as part of Seniors Month. For two shifts, Petra and Jayde – who are pictured with Julio Da Silva – assisted the volunteer-run charity by taking part in the meal-delivery runs throughout the city.
To find out more about volunteering at Meals on Wheels, call them on 4743 0630
Lake Moondarra Pontoon
Council was successful in receiving funding to install a pontoon and jetty at Lake Moondarra, and we want to know what you think about the concept design and preferred location (Transport Bay).
Have your say here: You are also encouraged to provide any general comments about the pontoon project. The survey closes on Sunday 13 November.
Sign On Expo
Local sports and hobby groups that would like to be a part of the 2023 Sign On Expo are being encouraged to register their interest.
Register your stall at www. The Sign on Expo will be held at the Mount Isa Mines Entertainment Centre from 9am to 1pm on Saturday, February 4, 2023.
This event is an opportunity to showcase your club or organisation to the community and for residents to explore opportunities or try something new. For further information, please contact Council’s Community Development Officer at 4747 3305.
West Street Works
Council, with the assistance of external contractors, is undertaking works to replace water services on West Street – between Alma Street and Grace Street – from Monday, November 7, to Friday, November 25. Crews will be working on the road and footpath in this area.
The works will be undertaken on weekdays between the hours of 9am and 3pm each day. The project will necessitate the disruption of the water supply. Properties in the zone of works will experience intermittent water disruptions during the above timeframes.
While work crews will ensure that all lines are cleaned prior to reconnection, after water disruption, properties may experience short-term low pressure or slight water discolouration.
If you incur any discolouration, it is recommended that the tap be run for a short period of time for this to clear. Partial lane closures on West Street will operate for the duration of the works and traffic management will be in place.
Mechanical excavations of the road and footpath will be required; all reinstatements will be undertaken by Council as soon as reasonably practicable. For more information, please contact Council’s Water and Sewer team at 4747 3200.