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Latest Mount Isa News for September 2022

Posted by MountIsaProperty on 07/09/2022

Mount Isa News September 2022 – Your Local News


Year of Events Planned

With less than six months to go until Mount Isa celebrates its 100th birthday, the 100 Years Advisory Committee is busy laying the groundwork for a raft of exciting events to be held in 2023.

Advisory Committee Chair Councillor Peta MacRae said 2023 will be a year of celebrations hosted by the Council and other community events.

“We are expecting a massive influx of visitors, both former Mount Isa residents and visitors that are yet to experience our terrific city,” Cr MacRae said.

“There will be a mix of free and ticketed events and it is the desire of the committee to make the events accessible to locals, both new and old.”

The nine-member advisory committee is made up of local residents representing a number of stakeholder groups, to ensure the events are inclusive and well supported.

“We also have employed a 100 Years Coordinator, who is busily working behind the scenes on entertainment, catering and ticketing options,” Cr MacRae said.

Key dates for the Mount Isa 100 Years Celebration include:

• Mount Isa Day – February 23, 2023

• Queensland Police Service Rugby League Association (QPSRLA) State Championships – April 17-21, 2023

• Mount Isa 100 Year Reunion Dinner and Ball – May 6, 2023

• North West MPX – May 10-11, 2023

• Mount Isa Agricultural Show – June 23-24, 2023

• Mount Isa State High School Junior Year of 1970 Reunion – July 7, 2023

• Outback Queensland Golf Masters (Mount Isa) – July 21-23, 2023

• Mount Isa Street Festival – August 9, 2023

• Mount Isa Mines 100 Years Rodeo – August 11-13, 2023

• Drovers Camp Festival – August 25, 2023

• Book Launch and Sportsmen’s Dinner – September 23, 2023.

“With the help of the Building Better Regions Funding that was received from the Federal Government, we have been able to allocate funds to build even bigger and better events that are traditionally on the Mount Isa social calendar,” Cr MacRae said.

“We are also expecting other community groups to hold their own events endorsed by Council. If you are planning an event you would like to be included in the 100 Years Celebrations calendar, please do not hesitate to contact Mount Isa City Council.”



Mount Isa News by Deputy Mayor Phil Barwick

It’s a very exciting time across the city in this part of the year and it is no different at the city council.

The engagement with the community through various advisory groups is at a very high level. I would like to thank everyone who attended the recent North West Motor Sports Park consultation session.

The City Council has engaged project management consultants GHD Group to undertake the feasibility study to determine the investment, infrastructure and planning requirements to support the long-term development of the North West Motor Sports Park.

It was wonderful to see interested residents providing their advice on the mix of motor sports activities and events that the facility should have. Some of their suggestions included facilities for a time-trial track, driver training, drag racing, burnout pad and drift area, as well as a concert space.

If you weren’t able to make it to the session but would still like to offer feedback, you can do so online by filling out this survey: It will be open until mid-September.

It’s also pleasing to see the great work being done by Council’s four advisory committees, including the 100 Years Advisory Committee, the Lake Moondarra Development Advisory Committee, and the Mine Workers Memorial Advisory Committee.

The concepts arising from these committees are crucial in providing direction to Council that will help steer important projects and activities further down the line.

Many will have seen the recent demolition activity preparing the Centennial Place site for construction works. This community space will endow the city with a fabulous cool green space in the CBD.

It is also fabulous to see more parks being activated, with the covered basketball courts being constructed in Lions Park and in Camooweal as we continue our drive for improved liveability across the district.

I would like to sincerely thank the Council project teams who continue to work at full pace to construct and complete these community projects and to plan for the design and unfolding of new capital projects.



Time to Remember Miners

Mount Isa residents have the opportunity to formally pause and honour the memory of all of those who have lost their lives working in Queensland mines when the Queensland Miners Memorial Day ceremony is held on Monday, September 19.

The ceremony will be held on the Civic Centre front lawns at 7.30am.

It will include a Welcome to Country, reading, prayer, minute’s silence, and wreathlaying.

Light breakfast and refreshments will be available.

Queensland Miners Memorial Day is held on September 19 each year.

This date marks the anniversary of the state’s worst mining disaster, where 75 miners lost their lives in a coal mine at Mount Mulligan in 1921.

Miner Workers Memorial Advisory Committee Chair Tony McGrady said the service will also be a time to reflect on the importance of remaining vigilant about protecting the safety and health of mine workers.

“I appeal to the people of Mount Isa to turn out in full force on Monday, September 19, to remember those mine workers who died in the industry and pay our respects to those of our deceased family and friends who lost their lives providing the future that we all enjoy today,” Mr McGrady said.

“This function is a memory of those people who were part of the great Mount Isa mining industry and should never be forgotten.

“To me, these events are also a celebration of the vast improvement in the safety in the local mining industry and should be a reminder to management and staff that we must always continue to strive to improve the safety in this vital industry for Mount Isa, Queensland and Australia.”

Mayor Danielle Slade, who is also a member of the Mine Workers Memorial Advisory Committee, said the service will be an opportunity for local residents to remember and pay their respects to mine workers.

“The Advisory Committee is working diligently towards the establishment of a memorial for North West mine workers, and we are hopeful of this being completed in two years’ time, and for Mount Isa to host that year’s Miners Memorial Day Service for Queensland. I encourage everyone to attend the Miners Memorial Day ceremony,” Cr Slade said.



Mount Isa News by Councillor Peta MacRae

So much has happened recently in such a short period of time – it’s enough to make your head spin.

I join the rest of the world in mourning Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away on Friday, September 9, at the age of 96.

The Queen visited Mount Isa only once in her long life – in April 1970, as part of the bicentenary celebrations of Captain James Cook’s voyage up the east coast of Australia – but the excellent impression she left with the city’s residents will continue for many years to come.

It was an overnight visit, and she and the late Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, stayed in the main bedroom at the impressive property Casa Grande on the Mount Isa Mines lease.

The room still bears a commemorative plaque that proclaims this fact and is a touching reminder that even this far-flung part of the Commonwealth had the honour of welcoming and being able to host Her Majesty all those years ago.

We also welcome our new Sovereign – His Majesty King Charles III – and trust he will visit our shores soon. For anyone who would like to leave their messages of condolence or support, a condolence book is now set up at the Mount Isa City Library.

Next month I will be attending the Local Government Association of Queensland’s 2022 Annual Conference in Cairns, where on behalf of the Council I will be putting up four motions for consideration:

-For the LGAQ to call on the State and Federal Governments to provide detailed information on the services that are funded in each Local Government Authority on an annual basis.

-For the LGAQ to call on the State Government and Queensland Treasury Corporation to support the development of Local Government housing projects through the provision of business planning resources

-For the LGAQ to call on the State and Federal Governments to assist Local Governments to diversify their service delivery to support financial sustainability; and for the LGAQ to call on the State Government to investigate the establishment of a Councillor Conduct Review Panel.



Latest Mount Isa News Information

• Three new interpretive signs have recently been installed at the City Lookout: on the Lookout proper (western skyline), boardwalk (southern skyline), and northern picnic area (northern skyline).

They feature information about what can be seen from each individual location, including the copper and lead smelters, acid plant, copper and zinc-lead concentrators, Mica Creek and Diamantina power stations, the Mount Isa Base Hospital, and Buchanan Park.

• Council staff have raised more than $5000 so far this year for Ukrainian refugees, to assist those affected or displaced by the Russian invasion. Spearheaded by Council staff member Svitlana Cernoia, the fundraising efforts throughout the year have included cookoffs, a sale on international food and craft items, and a bake sale within the Council Administration Building.

• Family Fun Park construction works are underway, and are anticipated to be completed by November 2022. Play equipment (including wetplay equipment for the water park) is currently being manufactured and installation will take place between September and November.

• The flags outside of the Council Administration Building and Civic Centre on West Street are flying at half-mast to mark the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The flags will remain at half-mast until after the Queen’s funeral.

• The Entertainment Centre at Buchanan Park has officially been renamed to the Mount Isa Mines Entertainment Centre. Mayor Danielle Slade recently unveiled the new signage, accompanied by Glencore Mount Isa Mines Director of Mining Ettienne Moller. The sign is more than 20 metres long and almost 1m tall.



Mount Isa Events

-Zonta International Women’s Day Dinner

Date: Saturday 10 September 2022

Time: 7pm

Where: Buchanan Park Entertainment Centre

-The Sapphires

Date: Thursday 15 September 2022

Time: 7pm

Where: Mount Isa Civic Centre, 23 West Street

-September School Holiday Activities
Date: 19-29 September 2022
Time: 3pm-4.30pm
Where: Mount Isa City Library, 23 West Street

-Mount Isa City Council Ordinary Meeting
Date: Wednesday 21 September 2022
Time: 9am
Where: Council Chambers, 23 West Street

-2022 Spring Cup
Date: Saturday 24 September 2022
Time: 11am
Where: Mount Isa Race Club

-Cuppa With the Councillors
Date: Friday 30 September 2022
Time: 10am
Where: Downstairs, Mount Isa City Library



Mount Isa City Council Updates

-Architect Engaged

The Mine Workers Memorial Advisory Committee has engaged an architect design agency to develop the concept and detailed design works for a miners’ memorial in Mount Isa.

CA Architects will also assist with determining suitable locations for the construction of a memorial.

The Mine Workers Memorial Committee consists of people who are dedicated to building a facility in Mount Isa to remember those members of the Mount Isa and North West community who lost their lives in the mining industry. This Committee comprises Mount Isa City Councillors and Council staff and local residents, including three former North West mine workers.

Glencore Mount Isa Mines has also provided the services of some of its staff to assist in providing technical advice to assist in the decision-making process.

“A purpose of the memorial will be reflecting the massive improvement in safety in the local mining area, by comparing the reduction in fatalities in the industry over recent years, due to the emphasis on safety in the industry,” Advisory Committee Chair Tony McGrady said.

-Centennial Place

Contractors recently carried out site-preparation works on the former Harvey Norman site, on the corner of Miles Street and Grace Street, removing the existing concrete slabs.

Council has committed to developing Centennial Place on the site, an exciting redevelopment in the heart of the city that’s proposed to include useable open and outdoor spaces for the community.

The design is complete and construction works are in the market for pricing, with a view to awarding the works in 2022 and completion of site construction in mid-2023, during Mount Isa’s 100 Years Celebrations.

-Early Concept Designs Anticipated

A Motor Sports Park for Mount Isa is now in the early planning stages, with the Advisory Committee expecting to receive early concept design options from consultants later this year.

In April this year, Council was successful in securing $100,000 in funding from the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy’s Building Sustainable Communities Grants for a feasibility study into a Motor Sports Park in Mount Isa.

Motor Sports Park Advisory Committee Chair and Deputy Mayor Phil Barwick said the feasibility study process is now underway, with the consultant commencing research and in-depth community consultations.

“In the meantime, the Committee is discussing the range of motor sports that are popular in the city and the prospective combination of activities to be constructed, and examining the viability and logistics of such a multiuser facility.

It’s an exciting time, with dragstrips, burnout pads, speed cars, time-trial tracks and Top Fuellers being mooted, as well as activities such as go-karts, remote-controlled cars and driver training being discussed in depth,” Cr Barwick said.

The Advisory Committee will meet again this month, with members set to research the lessons learned by other motor sports facility constructions in communities around Australia, as well as seek support and input from significant motor sports peak bodies such as the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport, and the Australian National Drag Racing Association for their knowledge and recommendations.

“Another important aspect we will be initiating is the development of a project plan and associated timeline that will include such things as the Environmental Impact Statement, funding submissions, headworks, and the development of design drawings to prepare for construction tenders,” Cr Barwick said.

In 2021, Council secured tenure of a significant parcel of land on the south-east end of Moondarra Drive that has been identified as a possible suitable site for a Motor Sports Park.

-Messages Of Support

A condolence book for the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is now available at the Mount Isa City Library for people to write their messages of condolence to the Royal Family.

The book will be available at the City Library until later this month, and afterwards will be sent to the office of His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley, the Governor-General of Australia. The book includes two photos of Her Majesty’s visit to Mount Isa and a tour of Mount Isa Mines in 1970.

Pictured is Mayor Danielle Slade with the condolence book, and one of the two displays of books about Her Majesty set up near the front counter of the City Library.

-NQ Sportstar Awards Nominations

You only have until Friday, September 23, to get your nominations in for the 2022 North Queensland Sportstar Awards. If you know an outstanding local sports person, nominate them for an award at Award categories are:

Senior Sportstar of the Year; Junior Sportstar of the Year; Masters Sportstar of the Year; Athlete with a Disability Sportstar of the Year; Alan Ticehurst Memorial Award for Service to NQ Sport; Teams Award; and Sporting Excellence Award.

The 2022 North Queensland Sportstar Awards night will be held on Saturday, November 5, at the Cloncurry Shire Hall.

-Skate Park Temporary Reopening

The Mount Isa Skate Park will be temporarily open and operating during the September school holidays – from Saturday, September 17, to Saturday, October 1.

Following this period, the Skate Park will again be closed temporarily to enable the remaining works related to the construction of the new permanent structures to be completed.

-Bin Collection Changes

Mount Isa residents are being reminded of an upcoming change to residential bin collection services, which will be conducted by JJ Richards from October 1, 2022.

-While the collection routes and pick-up days will not change, collections will commence from 6am.

-Residents are recommended to put their bins out the night before to ensure collections at the earlier start time are not missed.

-From October onwards, if your normal bin collection falls on a public holiday it will be collected.

Bins should be placed on the kerb, at least 2 metres from any obstructions such as trees, cars or poles. Bin lids must fully close.

-Bins that are overfull or weigh more than 70kg cannot be lifted by collection vehicles.

-Grass clippings, dust or vacuum dust should be bagged before placing in the bin.

The following items are not accepted in household bins:
• Live ammunition;
• Needles and syringes;
• Liquid waste (including paints, thinners and oils);
• Hot or smouldering material;
• Items over 1 meter long (including tree branches).

For more information, please contact Council on 4747 3200.



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